Do What is Right

You know, it is very difficult to always know the right thing to do.  Everybody has their own opinion on how to act, dress, be, do, think, etc.   I think it is good that there are so many different versions of  “right”.  It shows that God loves us all and has an individual plan for each of us. 

 For instance, I am one of many music teachers in our area.  Each teacher has their own thoughts on how they should teach and they each produce great students.  Is there a reason why so many different ideas are all good ideas?  Sure!  It is because each teacher has their own talents, abilities, life experience, personality, etc.  and they all have the right to receive their own inspiration from God to do His will and bring about great things.

Each of you have your own path in life.  Although you are all very similar, you are also very different.  Different rules apply to each of you.  While one needs order and exactness to make great things happen, another needs freedom and creativity or adventure and challenges.  Your rules may not always apply to others around you.  That is why it is important to always be worthy to have the Holy Ghost with you.  He will lead you down the path that is right for you.  It is also important not to judge others unfairly.  Keep in mind that their path is different from yours because their talents and personalities are different from yours. 

Our Loving Heavenly Father knows each of us perfectly.  He will not lead us astray.  We just need to only listen to Him and not be confused when other people try to push their rules of  life onto us.  Have faith in your own path and faith in God and great things will happen!

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