Hello Girls!

Hi Girls!
I started this blog to better communicate with all of you! You guys are the most important people in my life and I wish I could spend more time with you! So, I thought I’d let you in on some of my thoughts and you could let me in on some of yours!

So to begin with, I want you to know how grateful I am for singing! After SUPAF, I am sure we are all thinnking, “Music is a harsh line of work”. But there is so much more to music than just making money. For instance, whenever I need to calm down and so I can better listen to the Holy Ghost, I sing! Music is a great miracle! Of course, religious music is great for this, but anything beautiful, lovely and of good report is wonderful too!

So, no matter what stupid judges say (or anyone else for that matter) remember that God loves us and our voices and that He delights in everyone’s “song of the heart”! So, sing it like you mean it and encourage everyone else to do the same….always! The world tells us we have to sing a certain way….but no one sings the same! Even on the radio, each artist sings with their own style! That’s why people listen to song after song even though the music sounds the same…the music may be similar, but voices are all unique and express their own “Songs of the Heart”. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise….remember! Your mom knows EVERYTHING!!!!

1 Comment

  1. February 24, 2011 at 9:33 pm

    This is a way awesome idea mom! You are so awesome! Thanks for being so cool!

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