Miracles Happen Everyday!

Some say that miracles are a thing of the past, some say that they only happen to saints and prophets, others say miracles are no longer needed.  I think otherwise.  My husband and I and our five daughters live with miracles surrounding us every day.  That’s right, that makes SEVEN MIRACLES. 

I start this blog with the intention of recording the miracles I see in my daily life and I hope that any readers might see and share the miracles in their own lives.  In a world that is filled with turmoil, I believe that we can rely on a loving Heavenly Father for the miracles, large and small, that we need to help us through our day.  

Just today, my husband, Blake happened upon a client that was having a particularly hard time.  His mother and father had recently passed away and he was with each of them as they passed.  This experience caused him to start believing that there may just be something more than just this life.  Blake was able to share with his client his own experience of being with his dad when he passed away.  He told the man that he knew that there was a life after this and that our loved ones are just as connected with us on the other side as they were when they were living. 

Blake left his client’s office feeling that he had the chance to be in the right place at the right time.   This is nothing new, Blake always seems to be in the right place at the right time.  He has seen many miracles happen because he is willing to follow his heart and share his love with everyone.  He has been a tower of strength for many people and he was blessed to share his gift again today.  Miracles really do happen every day!

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